Lavender Whiskey

Rye whiskey is generally enjoyed neat or on the rocks and is a popular choice for classic cocktails like the Manhattan or Old Fashioned. Its unique flavour profile adds depth and complexity to these drinks. Here’s a delightful recipe that combines the rich flavors of a rye whiskey with the floral and sweet notes of lavender and honey. The resulting taste of this lavender whiskey cocktail can be described as a marriage of floral herbal smooth and spicy flavours. A really interesting and enjoyable drinking experience for those who appreciate combining contrasting yet complemenatary flavours.



  • 60ml Whiskey (your preferred whiskey works great!)
  • 30ml Lavender Simple Syrup
  • 22ml freshly squeezed lemon juice
  • 5ml honey
  • lavender sprig (for garnish)
  • Ice cubes



  1. Begin by filling a cocktail mixing jug halfway with ice cubes.
  2. Add the whiskey, lavender syrup, honey, and freshly squeezed lemon juice to the shaker.
  3. Stir the mixture for about 10 seconds to ensure all the flavors are well combined and chilled.
  4. Strain the cocktail into a glass filled with ice.
  5. Optional: If you prefer a stronger lavender aroma, you can garnish the glass with a fresh lavender sprig.
  6. Give it a gentle stir and enjoy your delightful whiskey cocktail with lavender syrup and honey!


Remember, feel free to adjust the quantities of lavender syrup, honey, or lemon juice to suit your personal taste preferences. Cheers, and enjoy your delicious cocktail!


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