Millennium Mocktail

Millennium Mocktail

This sparkling beverage looks like a tequila sunrise with the taste of a mimosa cocktail #amazing Cheaper than champagne (or other sparkling wine) this chilled citrus cranberry sparkler served in a tall champagne flute looks the part for brunch, at weddings, or even as part of business function or first class service on a passenger railways and airlines So are your ready to make one?

The answer is Yaaaas

  • 4-5 cracked ice cubes
  • 30 ml Red wine vinegar
  • 30 ml Bergamot simple syrup
  • 30 ml Cranberry  juice
  • 30 ml Orange juice
  • 120 ml Club soda


  1. Put ice into a cocktail shaker
  2. Add liquid ingredients
  3. Shake until a frost forms on outside of shaker
  4. Strain into a champagne flute
  5. Top with club soda



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